Creating Room in the Inn of Our Hearts
In the chaos of this season, we must choose to clear our hearts and make room for the One who entered our world through a humble doorway.
“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7, KJV)
The journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, roughly 70–90 miles, would have been grueling and slow, especially for Mary in her advanced pregnancy. Joseph likely traveled on foot, and though tradition suggests Mary rode a donkey, the Gospel does not confirm this. Both faced rough terrain, potential bad weather, and the ever-present risk of bandits. Such a journey may have taken several days, allowing for rest, safety, and consideration of Mary’s condition. The final stretch into the hill country surrounding Bethlehem only compounded their fatigue. Yet, upon arrival, inn after inn refused them. There was simply no room.
Amid the hustle and mess of daily life, power struggles, and human limitations, God entered our world in a setting no one would have chosen: among animals, in the quiet space at the margins. The world’s inns were full, but God’s purposes were not hindered by the lack of a proper room.
This ancient narrative echoes even today in our modern world. In our holiday season often saturated by consumerism and personal agendas, there remains no room for Jesus. We know His name, but our hearts are too crowded. Like Bethlehem’s jam-packed inns, our souls often overflow with ambitions, fears, and distractions, leaving Christ outside.
Yet God’s grace persists:
Lack of preparation never hinders God’s purposes.
God still works in the ordinary, in silence, in the brokenness we try to hide.
Though no room was found in the inn, God creates room wherever we let Him in.
Today, we have a choice. God is still at work in the margins, among the weary, in unplanned moments, and in the messiness of life. He calls us to open the inn of our hearts, to clear space and welcome His presence in the midst of our chaos. Advent reminds us that this season is not just about lights and gifts, but about preparing for the One who came quietly and unexpectedly to transform our world.
Lord, forgive me for closing my heart’s door to You. Help me prepare room for Your presence, that in the midst of my daily struggles and distractions, I may welcome You fully and find true peace. Amen.